Monday, November 26, 2007


Yes, the second day of the row, the exposer of Liberal Media Bias has come against Gov. Huckabee again! This time criticizing his empathy towards those who aren't doing so well financially. Some call it being a 'populist'. Also, some rival campaign supporters attacked Gov. Huckabee on his theological degree and tried to make the point that he is not qualified enough to be President. Some said he should run for a Baptist pastor.

Again, I humbly took on the task again of setting the record straight.

I don't know how an attack piece on Huckabee comes under "Exposing and Combating Liberal Media Bias."

If one would look at this in an intellectual and strategic point of view, what Gov. Huckabee is doing is very shrewd and effective. There is nothing wrong with having a populist rhetoric. Huckabee is offering free-market, conservative solutions to these real issues.

Let's use that classic story of giving someone fishes vs. teaching them how to fish. There is nothing wrong for a person to say, hey I understand what you are going through, but the best way for you to get fishes regularly without depending on anyone is by learning how to fish.

The democrats say, hey I understand what you are going through, let me constantly provide you fishes for the rest of your life.

We as conservatives lack empathy, and we can use that to our advantage to get the common folk to understand why we are very adamant on individual responsibility. There must be a combination with the head and the heart in how we communicate.

If one thinks Gov Huckabee is no different than the democrats, you haven't done your homework. I suggest you all listen to the debate between Gov. Huckabee and Sen. McCain on healthcare. If Gov. Huckabee was a liberal he would've said let the government fully fund healthcare. Go check it out for yourself. ... bcast.html

Also on taxes, Gov Huckabee is for the Fair Tax ( Anyone with an decent IQ score knows that the fair tax is not a liberal tax policy. He has also signed the no new taxes pledge by Norquist, unlike some other candidates.

Finally on his educational background. If Gov. Huckabee was currently a pastor of a church without any kind of executive experience, you have a point. He has proven how he can lead an entire state and do it effectively. No one accuses him of being incompetant. He has been the Lieu. Govenor of Arkansas for 3 years, then Govenor for close to 11 years. While being Governor he served as the Chairman of the Southern Governors Association and also the Chairman of the National Governors Association.

Also he served in other leadership positions including president of the Council of State Governments, state co-chairman of the Delta Regional Authority, and chairman of the Southern Governors Association, the Southern Regional Education Board, the Southern Growth Policies Board, the Southern Technology Council, the Southern International Trade Council and the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission.

As former chairman of the Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission, Huckabee worked with the 37-state coalition to develop energy policy and lobby Congress on energy matters, such as the regulation of oil and gas production.

Now what did Romney do as a one-term Governor of Massachusetts?

Note to NewsBusters: Please stick with your motto and focus on the liberal media and democrats.

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