Tuesday, September 25, 2007

'Ridiculous' Richard

Dr. Richard Land, a well-known Southern Baptist official has put his support behind Actor Fred Thompson.
I read this quote on Brody File and everything in it can be applied to Gov. Huckabee (except for the last part). Here's what he said:

Land explained to me why Thompson appeals to some voters.
“Fred Thompson grew up in a very modest means in a small town in America just like Ronald Reagan grew up in very modest means in a small town in Illinois. You acquire not only an understanding of but a respect for everyday folk when you come from the background that you don’t get otherwise and people sense it. That this is a guy who respects me, a guy who understands that we are the backbone of this country, we are the salt of the Earth and he not only understands us, he’s one of us. He’s a successful one of us but he’s one of us and they trust a guy like that. They give a guy like that a larger margin of error. Nobody gets everything right but its core values. My assessment is that this guy is a whole much like Reagan including his Teflon quality. The press has been beating up with him for these types of gaffes and he continues to climb in the polls.

I placed some emphasis on the key points of his long, drawn out, quote. If one reads them they would think he is talking about Mike Huckabee.

I HONESTLY don't know why there is this big republican nostalgia over Reagan. The truth is there will never be another 'Reagan.' He has also made a few gaffes and mistakes, but as time goes by, we tend to forget those shortcomings. I can bet you Pres. Bush will be looked at in a kinder light about 10 years after he leaves office.

Fred Thompson is a media-made character. People are buying a lot of stock on him without even knowing what he has done and who he even is. Do you think he can beat Hillary?? Hillary is going to even more confidently stress her experience, and Fred Thompson won't be able to hit back because he doesn't have any.

The fact that he is not comfortable talking about his faith tells one how much he considers God as a priority in his life. Gov Huckabee said that his faith makes who he is. Have you heard any other candidate make a similar statement? All others have said "My faith is important to me, but I don't wear it on my sleeve" (or something like that).
It's unthinkable for a church leader like Richard Land to snub a fellow Southern Baptist like Gov. Mike Huckabee who has 14 years of executive experience in Arkansas as Liet. Gov and as Governor (for 11 years). Mike Huckabee isn't a Gary Bauer, or a Pat Robertson, or a Pat Buchanan. This is a man who has lead an entire state successfully with integrity and honor. He is immensely qualified.

What kind of experience does Fred Thompson have? He is not faithful with the little things, such as his own campaign. People are quitting every other day.

I hope the republicans will have the courage to stand behind the man that has crossover appeal and conservative values i.e., Gov. Huckabee.

Interesting facts on Gov. Huckabee

29 Things You Don't Know About Mike Huckabee

1. He narrated the Doctor Suess book, Horton Hatches An Egg in a high school play.
2. He's a big fan of The Three Stooges.
3. He's a great cook.
4. He rides his bicycle to the grocery store.
5. He likes Yarnell's guilt free ice cream.
6. He likes to snorkle.
7. He likes the The Colbert Report.
8. His favorite actor is Robert De Niro.
9. His favorite actress is Meryl Streep.
10. He reads a chapter of Proverbs every single day when he wakes up.
11. He is not fond of heights.
12. He's like a kid at Christmas because he wants to open Christmas gifts early just so he can see what he got.
13. He organizes his socks, and everything else.
14. He prepares his own breakfast the night before to save time in the morning because getting up no later than 4:30 might not be enough time.
15. He talks to "the Boys" (his three dogs) and thinks they are listening.
16. He graduated from College magna cum laude with a 4 year degree in just over 2 years.
17. His Dad picked him up from school once in a car that had no body, just a frame and wooden boxes for seats.
18. He does great impressions of Billy Graham, Jimmy Stewart, Ronald Reagan, and Ross Perot.
19. He was left handed but was made to write with his right hand in elementary school.
20. He wanted to be an astronaut in first grade.
21. He was a pretty shy kid.
22. He can't sit still. If there is ever a free minute he feels the need to get up and immediately start on a new project, for instance the minute a meal is over he has to get up and start putting things away and doing dishes.
23. One of his favorite television shows is The Sopranos.
24. His favorite snack food is movie style popcorn. And he likes it so much his wife Janet bought him a popcorn machine for christmas.
25. He gave Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones a pardon when he was Governor.
26. He loves to play practical jokes.
27. His favorite movies are To Kill a Mockingbird and Casablanca.
28. His favorite church hymns are A Mighty Fortress is our God and In the Garden.
29. One of his dreams is to watch a game in every Major League baseball park.

Monday, September 24, 2007


'Vertical'-Day is here!!

Little Rock, AR – Former Arkansas Governor and Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee will host an historic 24-hour online "conversation" with voters called "Vertical Day, starting at 10 a.m. CT / 11 a.m. ET on Monday, Sept. 24 and ending at 10 a.m. CT / 11 a.m. ET on Tuesday, Sept. 25.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


I have to say that Gov. Huckabee looks quite presidential in this video. I don't know who compiled this video but they did a horrible job.

To make Washington work, we need a president that is willing to listen to the other side and be humble. Fight when 'values' are at stake, but in other areas try to find positive ideas from the other side and give credit where it is due.

I ask those who haven't heard of Gov. Huckabee or do not support him for any particular reason to reevaluate him and give him a chance to succeed.


Saturday, September 22, 2007


If you believe like me that Sen. Brownback is nothing but a distraction to the social conservative movement, please co-sign with me. I will send a letter to his campaign by the end of this week.



Below is a letter from Gov. Huckabee. I ask all Huckabee supporters to step up their efforts in these coming days, now till the end of this month.
September 30th is the last day of the third quarter, and Gov. Huckabee needs to come up with a decent amount in the area of fundraising to gain more crediblity with the money-focused media.
Help him as much as you can, it doesn't matter how much you give. The total number of donors is also a significant amount.
Gov. Huckabee needs our help and he has asked us already. Lets do what we can do!

Letter from Gov. Mike Huckabee
Everywhere I go on the campaign trail, I meet voters with a real thirst for a healthy discussion of the issues. Ultimately, people don't care whether an issue comes from the left or the right. What they want to talk about are ideas that lift America up and make us better. It's what I call "Vertical Politics."

On Monday, our campaign has set aside 24 hours, for what we are calling a "Vertical Day". The focus of Vertical Day will be a discussion of the most important issues facing America. The plan is to promote my positions on these issues through video and personal blogs, and to have an online conversation with voters about our ideas, the solutions we see possible, our hopes for America and the challenges we face.

I'd like you to be a part of Vertical Day. I encourage you to tell your friends, family members and co-workers about it and ask them to participate. Vertical Day will start on Monday, September 24 and end on Tuesday, Sept. 25. I'm excited about this opportunity. With your help, and the power of the Internet, we will be able to involve thousands of voters all across America and truly build excitement around this discussion of issues.

To encourage you to make the time to be a part of Vertical Day, my campaign team has put together an incentive package that I hope will be fun and also create buzz and excitement. First, we've created a special Vertical Day page on our website, where you can view the 24 hours of online content we have pulled together.

We also have created a very simple online tool that will give you the ability to promote Vertical Day to your friends, family members and co-workers. We've developed a package of rewards based upon the number of people you are able to get to visit the website. As a way to cap off Vertical Day, we'll enter the names of each of our top promoters into a raffle. On Tuesday, September 25 at 3 p.m., we will draw two names who will receive special invitations to be my personal guests to the YouTube Debate on November 28 in St. Petersburg, FL.

I will have more details for you soon. In the meantime, please mark Monday, Sept. 24 down on your calendars.


After seeing these two videos, the persona I had in mind about Giuliani as 9/11 hero has gone out of the window. In the general election there's no doubt these videos will come out and greatly embarrass Mayor Giuliani.


Ron Kessler with Newsmax reports about Giuliani's phone call with his wife in the middle of the NRA speech and many other instances where he showed similar bizzare behavior.
I've learned in my communications class that one of the first things a speaker should do is turn off the cell phone. Taking a cell phone call in the middle of a speech shows disinterest and disrespect towards the audience.
If the race comes down to Giuliani vs. Hillary, (which I think it won't) I will refrain from voting in 2008 because I'm not going to cast my vote to the less worst candidate. I hope and pray Gov. Huckabee will win the nomination.

Here's the article.

Rudy Giuliani shocked the National Rifle Association Friday when he took a cell phone call from his wife in the middle of his speech to the group.
While the presidential candidate was delivering a speech at a meeting in Washington of the National Rifle Association, whose members have been skeptical about his support for Second Amendment rights, Giuliani interrupted his own speech to say he had a cell phone call.
Rudy Giuliani has engaged in such strange behavior by taking cell phone calls from his wife Judith during important presentations.
Giuliani was talking from the podium about the importance of the right to bear arms when his cell phone apparently vibrated and then rang.
"Let's see now. This is my wife calling, I think," the former mayor said, reaching for the phone in his pocket, as an amazed audience looked on.
"Hello dear... I'm talking to the members of the NRA right now," he said into the phone as his incredulous audience listened.
"Would you like to say hello?," Giuliani said to his wife. "I love you, and I'll give you a call as soon as I'm finished, okay? Okay, have a safe trip, bye-bye. Talk to you later dear, I love you."
Looking a bit embarrassed, Giuliani said to the audience: "It's a lot better that way."
While there was scattered applause, the audience turned silent as Giuliani went on: "Well, this is one of the great blessings of the modern age, being always available. Or maybe it isn't, I'm not sure."
Last April 9, NewsMax reported that Giuliani was attending a roundtable discussion with heavy-hitter Republicans at the Oklahoma History Center in Oklahoma City. Two of the three co-hosts were CEOs of Fortune 500 companies.
One participant started to ask a question about Iraq.
"In the middle of the question, Mayor Giuliani's personal cell phone rang, and he answered it," a participant said. "At first, I think people thought he was kidding. But then he just started talking, and without looking up or saying anything to us, he just got up, left the room, and never came back!
Everyone waited about 20 minutes, and then the room started to break up. It was bizarre behavior."

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


..says the now gracious University of Florida student who created a raucous at a John Kerry forum and got tasered by the university police.

I guess the electric shock from the taser gun changed the chemical makeup in his brain. He's probably a republican now too, who knows.

"Don't tase me bro!"


Eloquently stated. As always.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Yes, Sen. Brownback.

How about those candidates that didn't show up? Yes they are mini-losers. The loss of support they had among the delegates are at least understandable.

Brownback, on the other hand, came in with 26 delegates supporting him and after the debates left with only 18 supporters. He spent 3 hours on that stage and didn't gain any supporters, instead lost them after they saw him talk.

Why can't he get the message? He is just not electable and not Presidential material. He is a good senator and almost everybody agrees with that.

Today his campaign came out with a news release mocking Gov. Huckabee for not knowing what the 'Mexico City Policy' was. During the debates, when Huckabee asked to clarify what the questioner meant, Brownback jumped in and try to answer his question. That was a turn-off to those in the audience and everybody else who was watching the debates in other mediums. Brownback came off as disdainful.

I hope some in the Brownback campaign will speak the truth to him and urge him to drop his candidacy for the good of the 'values voters' that he cares about so much.

Co-sign the letter here.


John Cox. He was the only one to double his support by the end of the debate, from 1 supporter to 2. Congrats businessman Cox.

Monday, September 17, 2007


Is this good news? I think so.

1. Huckabee - 219 votes
2. Ron Paul - 44
3. Alan Keyes - 29

The commentators on the Values Voter debate were praising Mike Huckabee for his poise, his willingness to not back away from his faith, and his electability. The Rabbi commentator said that Huckabee does not wear his past job as a pastor on his sleeve and he really came off as down to earth. Some people on the panel endorsed Gov. Huckabee as their candidate, the others chose to wait.

I was surprised that Brownback -The "Superman" of the values movement didn't get any where near the top three.
Brownback was bragging too much about how he worked a lot with the values movement leaders. It was a turn-off. I think he should consider dropping out at least now. Click here to co-sign the letter I have addressed to him.

I wonder how the Brownback campaign will spin this one. Last time they said all the "Fairtax fanatics" helped the governor win in the Iowa straw poll.


Please pardon all of my typo's :)

My thoughts after the debate:
Gov. Huckabee didn't speak much during the debate and he didn't make any outlandish statements like Tancredo and others. He tried to stay balanced throughout. I think the Yes/No questions could hurt him. He can spin it later by explaining why he voted the way he did.
His concluding statement defined him the most. He communicated well, and he won this debate.
( My opinion on the debate changed after I heard Gov. Huckabee's closing statements)

My Thoughts during the debate: Absolutely boring and was uneventful. As a supporter of Gov. Huckabee, I don't think this will help him very much. It could on the other hand hurt him more in the general election.
You can stand for all these values and communicate in a unifying way. That's what Gov. Huckabee is very good at. When you have Yes or No questions telling you to choose (without explanation) why you agree or disagree, then it will make it tough for the voters to understand your thought process.
AFA hurt all of the republican candidates more than help with this kind of questioning. I am saddened. I agree with the values of AFA but not with their tactics.

Closing Statements:

Huckabee: Gets four minutes to speak. He jokes about taking an offering.
"I don't come to you, I come from you".He talks about his previous occupation as a baptist pastor, he holds it as a badge of honor. He talks about how he ran the state, which is the microcosm of the federal government.
People ask him can he win? If money is the factor then we are in a plutocracy. Values voters are important, and he asks the 'values voters' to stand with him.
Long applause. I think it was smart that he didn't use up his minutes earlier. He got a long 4 minutes to talk about himself. He probably won some values voters tonight. Good strategy. Whether it will hurt him in the general election is another thing.

Alan Keyes was absolutely horrible and he will be mocked big time for the way he spoke. John Cox says he will be the best candidate to counter Hillary Clinton. You gotta be kidding me.

End of Round 3

9:02 Question to Alan Keys about his support of the UN.

9:01 Ron Paul says if we regulate evil behavior, then that set's the stage to regulate positive behavior, religion etc.

8:59 Tancredo is walking along the line of being a racist and anti-immigrant.

8:57 OK, I didn't quit. A question was asked to Gov. Huckabee about increasing spending. He answered it pretty well and sold the fair tax idea.

Question to the empty podium
Abortion question to Giuliani. Silence. Why are they asking empty podiums?? This is dumb.
I quit live blogging this debate.

7:52 Round Two: Yes or No
There will be a Green light and Blue light. Can't choose both. ooo.. tough.

Gay Agenda
Keyes: Eh.
Hunter: Support the bedrock, the American family. He goes off on a tangent.
Paul: Its important to not legislate morality. Boo's and Applause.
Brownback: I fought for this in the Senate all the time. I stood up for General Pace when everybody else attacked him for making his anti-gay statements.
Cox: Agrees with everyone above. Supports school choice. We can't open up the floodgates to other kinds of sins.
Tancredo: It is constrained by the constitution. The president of the United States can't singlehandedly change the moral makeup of the nation.
Huckabee: The homosexual movement is strong because the traditional marriage structure is weak. If most of the marriages in the country end up in divorce how would the next generation know what marriage should be like.

7:34 North American Union
Huckabee: Thanked Phyllis Schafer for her book. He said that book inspired him to become a republican in a democratically controlled Arkansas state. We cannot give our sovereignty to any other nation.
Tancredo: Someone in mexico said, "where there is a mexican, there is mexico". He will never give up the sovereignty of this country.
Cox: Eh same thing.
Brownback: For free trade, for enforcing the laws and no to unions.
Paul: He wants us out of every international alliance. Not feasible and not smart. Lot of crazy fanatics in the audience.
Hunter: Same thing.
Keyes: Let's stop abortion. (Just kidding). He says the same thing like the other candidates. He said we are losing our sovereignty because we are not respecting God's sovereignty.

What is your personal faith
Keyes: God is why we do what we do. Politicians should have the guts to stand up to values.
Hunter: He doesn't belong to any organized denomination. He is a baptist (laughter).
Paul: I get to God through Jesus. Jesus is for peace, not for pre-emptive war. Nice faith.
Brownback: He looks constipated. Sorry, I had to say it.
The Lord grabbed him in a kansas farm while he was feeding the pigs. Think of the coincidence.
Cox: He was not raised with religion. Got saved on a commuter train.
Tancredo: We have a fallen side and another side that christ died for us. Is that biblical? Feed the spirit not the flesh. Lets feed the spirit everyday.
Huckabee: Christ changed his life around. Good answer.

War on Terror/ Radical Islam
Huckabee: The threat we face is not one that many Americans understand. It's a theological war. War is about will. Whoever chooses to leave, loses. Doesn't provide many policy details, but good explanation of the threat we face and what we should do (the big picture).
Tancredo: Agrees, talks about borders.
Cox: Spread prosperity. We have to replace evil with Good. The War on Iraq is about oil.
Brownback: He has a very cocky persona. The next president should have some foreign policy experience.
Paul: They kill us because we occupy their lands. The attack on Islam could backfire on us Christians.
Hunter: Ron Paul, the last two nations we have freed were muslim nations. Don't blame America first.
Keyes: What is he saying?? Prevent abortion.

Shows an ultrasound of a baby in the womb.
Keyes: Amendment to the constitution that defines life and says that all life should be respected.
Hunter: Pass the Hunter Bill that states that life begins at conception. Will use a litmus test.
Paul: Life begins at conception, and as a doctor he knows what he's talking about.
Brownback: He wants to appoint the justice who can overturn Roe v Wade. The constitution does not sanction abortion.
Cox: It's about taking responsibility.
Tancredo: Appoint judges that would repeal Roe v Wade. He will have a litmus test.
Huckabee: All of us are pro-life. Theres a good reason why there are 4 empty podiums. He got into politics because I am pro-life not the other way around. We should value every life at every stage.

Questioning Round

Huckabee: Will do same things as he did in Arkansas. Define marriage in the constitution. Will support and lead for an amendment to define marriage.
Tancredo: Will support the amendment.
John Cox: Happily married. Marriage is about protecting children. Is it?
Brownback: He carried that amendment through congress. Bashes bush for not following through on marriage.
Paul: Set a great example. No need to define marriage, look it up in a dictionary. No need of state to define marriage, its a church issue.
Hunter: Tries to correct Paul, but didn't really do a good job of it. Says a long story.
Keyes: Attacking Mitt Romney for redefining what the court had decided in Massachusetts.

Opening statements by candidates.
Alan Keyes: Biggest problem of this nation is the eroding moral values. He was too dramatic.. what was that all about.
Duncan Hunter: Building borders, believes God still loves this nation.
Ron Paul: Promise to obey the constitution. Long winded answer but it made sense.
Brownback: Get back to the basics. Invoked Mother Teresa.
John Cox: Should I waste time on typing what he says?
Tancredo: Degredation of Society. Trashed Bill Clinton.
Huckabee: Praises the forum for starting with prayer. Makes a joke on Chris Matthews. We need vertical leadership not horizontal.

There is a choir singing a beautiful song. I feel like I'm in church. ( I like it, don't get me wrong). Imagine seeing this on CNN, man.. those liberals would have a fit.

Introduction of Candidates

I have a bad feeling that the AFA servers will shut down.

Singing of the national anthem.

It's 6:00 pm CT and I'm waiting.. Hopefully I will be able to watch through the entire debate.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Maybe your mind might change after you watch this video..



Yes, Alan Keyes is running for President. Obama wiped his slate clean during the senate elections and he wants to do what??

Do I need to come out with a letter asking Keyes to drop out as well?


I came across a comment on Mike Huckabee's website which made a lot of sense. Here it is below:

"I took Jessica's advice and emailed Bill O'Reilly, requesting that he host Mike Huckabee on his show. I believe Huckabee is a great candidate and he may be the best choice for President. I am frustrated by everyone who keeps saying they really like him, but they don't think he has enough support to win the nomination. How can he have enough support, unless those of us who believe in him get behind him? You might say it's a Huckabee22. He can't win the race because he doesn't have the financial support, and he can't raise the financial support because he can't win the race. What kind of logic is that?!? Didn't somebody say something like all it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing? We need to do something to get Mike elected!!!"

It is a 'Huckabee-22', my friend. I've heard people make the same comment about Gov. Huckabee as well.

However, FINALLY there is a candidate that can communicate eloquently, set the vision for this country clearly, lead with optimism, and has pro-life views not because of politics - but because he is a Christ-follower.

BUT WAIT.. I forgot. He's not raising much money like the rich cats Romney and Giuliani. Unlike one's personality and character, this is a mutable characteristic. We the people can change that for the better.

How can you change that? Contribute. It doesn't matter how much money you give. Just give something.

The number of donors is also a significant number, not just the amount of money raised. If the figures are that 50,000 people donated to the campaign since the straw polls, that is a significant number regardless of whether they donated 5 or 10 dollars. Donate what you think is appropriate. It doesn't have to be a one time donation. Make part of your monthly budget and give little-by-little.

Let's step up America, and show the nation how much we support Gov. Mike Huckabee to be the next President of the United States.

God Bless,

Friday, September 14, 2007


I want to thank my follow Huckabee bloggers for posting this link on their respective pages.

Only six people have co-signed with me. I know for a fact that there are more potential co-signers out there. Help spread the word about this letter!

I'm only aiming for 50 co-signers, which should be well above the total number of hard-core supporters Sam Brownback has.

Co-sign the letter here!

Thursday, September 13, 2007


I watched the President's 17 minute speech to the Nation tonight.

You can see the conflict within himself. You just feel like he wants to say, "why don't you get it?", "why don't you show the resolve?" I was hoping that he would stop reading from the teleprompter at some point and speak from the heart.

I felt very sorry for him, and as a fellow citizen of this Great Nation, I feel sad for this country. Unfortunately, the administration has badly lost the communications war. Every kind of accusation against the administration is sticking on them. Even before he spoke, the media 'experts' prophesied that the nation who turned in to listen to him will not 'listen' to him.

I can't say its the media's fault. The Bush administration from the beginning has not emphasized on communicating to the public. I think the President isn't much of a policy talker and he likes looking at the big picture and making decisions based on principle. These days it is imperative that a leader knows how to communicate eloquently.

Lets look at the big picture here:
Osama Bin Laden does not like the fact that Iraq is becoming a democracy. He and Ayman Al Zawahiri has made clear that they want to see all Muslims unite in the Middle East and create an Islamic Empire (and later expand it). How would an Islamic Empire look like? Look at Afghanistan when Taliban was in control, look at Anbar province and Fallujah before our soldiers took them back. THAT IS THEIR IDEOLOGY.


Have you ever heard of people actually countering an ideology with a bunch of cops? That's what some people in our country believe we should do.

The 'West' as a whole is inebriated in a morally relativistic society. We have become blind to truth and principle. Examples? The media equates Christian Evangelicals with Islamic extremists who blow up innocent civilians. Also recently, Brian Williams of NBC suggested that the insurgents and terrorists that blow up Iraqi women and children are similar to the revolutionary freedom fighters like George Washington.

If we continue not to truly understand our enemy, our nation will be in peril.

I know I'm blabbering here, but I also know I'm not the only one that believes in this mission. There are men and women in the military who wholeheartedly believe in this mission, and I salute them and pray for their safety.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007



By: Dick Morris & Eileen McGann

There’s a new first in the 2008 presidential campaign.

We’ve already seen the first woman candidate, Hillary Clinton, and the first African-American with widespread support and a serious chance at winning the presidency.

But now there’s another groundbreaker: the first lobbyist candidate — Fred Thompson.

Thompson was a lobbyist for 20 years before he was elected to the Senate, representing the Tennessee Savings and Loan Association, the deposed Haitian President Aristed, and the National Planning & Reproductive Health Association...(cont)


Here's the letter.

Let's get this moving, here's what the Brownback campaign is now saying:

"Just 400 more votes, said Brownback adviser David Kensinger, and “we’d be having a different conversation.”
...Or his bounce could be temporary, Kensinger said. “If you look at the fundamentals — fundraising, strength in organization in early states — Brownback still has the edge.”

Huckabee has flaws, he added, such as signing several tax increases as governor.

But Huckabee’s straw poll count was aided by Americans for Fair Taxation, which wants to replace the tax code with a sales tax. The group turned out big, giving him a base in a state where he did not have one before.

Brownback’s camp gripes that Huckabee was a latecomer to the concept. Not true, Huckabee’s people say."

Surprise: Fred Thompson chickens out


The Brody File has been told by Fred Thompson's campaign that he will NOT debate Mike Huckabee one on one. Huckabee had issued the debate challenge last week. Here's what Thompson's Communication Director Todd Harris just told me:

“We have the greatest respect for Gov. Huckabee and respect his desire to elevate the discourse in this campaign. But there are nine people running for the GOP nomination and an arbitrary pairing of just two of them does a disservice to the voters. We will push hard for Lincoln-Douglas style debates once we get into the General Election, when there are only two candidates running.”
The guy doesn’t mean what he says.

Update- Here's the comment I posted on Huckabee's website:

If Sen. Thompson is concerned about "disserving the voters" why can't he as Gov. Huckabee has suggested get the ball rolling and lead with the Governor with these debates.
Do you think the other candidates will just watch and stand on the sidelines.. No. They will also organize one on one debates and then eventually everyone will be able to debate each other one on one.

Sen. Thompson said he is looking forward to an one on one debate when it down to two candidates in the general election.. DUH! Isn't that how it would be anyways??

We need to narrow down the 9 or 10 candidates that are up there now. The path Gov. Huckabee suggested is the only way we can choose the best qualified nominee on the republican side.

Sen. Thompson should follow his own rhetoric. You can't say you didn't participate in the debates because you don't like the format and then not debate in a format you do like.

Update: Fred Flip-Flops on Lincoln-Douglas Debate - Great observation by Alex at IheartHuckabee.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Co-sign this letter to Sen. Sam Brownback (request to drop candidacy)

Hey all,
Below is a letter addressed to Senator Brownback. Next week I will send this entire letter along with your co-signatures and email to the Brownback for President Campaign. The earlier the Senator chooses to drop the campaign, the better it is for Gov. Huckabee. Please co-sign this letter in the comments section!
- - - - - - - - -

Honorable Senator Sam Brownback,

Since 1996, you have been a great asset to the social and economic conservative movement in the US Senate as an ardent supporter of pro-life and pro-growth policies.

There are not many Senators like you today that represent us, conservatives, in the U.S. government.

We believe, however, with all due respect that your announcement on Jan 20th 2007 of your intention to seek the Republican Party's Nomination for President of the United States is an unrealizable goal.

The recent straw poll and national poll standings for you are either between 1% and 3%, and in some cases, your support is so low, it's not even registered. At this point, Sir, any person would realistically look at their prospects and make a wise decision.

We believe that the wisest decision now is to facilitate the unification of the social conservative vote. Right now the vote is split between you, Gov. Mike Huckabee, Gov. Mitt Romney, and now Sen. Fred Thompson. We are sure you would agree that both Gov. Romney and Sen. Thompson have had questionable pasts when it comes to their pro-life beliefs. Their authenticity is at question.

This leaves one reliable and authentic candidate: Gov. Mike Huckabee. He has been the governor of the state of Arkansas for 11 years. He has the executive experience which a president needs in this vulnerable time of history. He has shown that he has the ability to attract crossover appeal of independents and democrats, pro-lifers and pro-choicers, African Americans and Hispanic Americans. He has the uncanny ability to communicate conservative values in an unifying way.

Most importantly, he can erode the support for Sen. Hillary Clinton's candidacy in a general election.

For the reasons stated above, we humbly request you, Senator Brownback, to drop out of the Republican primary campaign and consider supporting Gov. Mike Huckabee's candidacy.

May God Bless you,

Justin Thomas

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Transcript - Mike Huckabee on Late Edition

I got this from the CNN transcripts website.

BLITZER: You said something at the debate, the Republican debate, earlier in the week that caused a stir, at least among some. You said, "What we did in Iraq, we essentially broke it. It's our responsibility to do the best we can to try to fix it before we just turn away because something is at stake."

Now, what do you mean when you say the United States broke it?

HUCKABEE: Well, when you have a war, you end up with a lot of carnage, not just the human carnage but also the infrastructure of the country. You've got a nation that is clearly in disarray and some would say chaos. But the point is, things are improving.

But you don't just walk away in the middle of the mission. That's never been the history of this country and it's certainly not the mission, nor is it the intent of our military. And it would, I think, break their spirit to take them out before they finish the job that they know they not only can do but that they're going to do if given the opportunity.

BLITZER: Here's a little exchange you had with another presidential candidate, Ron Paul, who supports an immediate withdrawal from Iraq. Listen to this.


REP. RON PAUL, R-TEXAS: We dug a hole for ourselves and we've dug a hole for our party. We're losing elections and we're going down next year if we don't change it and it has all to do with foreign policy and we have to wake up to this fact.

HUCKABEE: Even if we lose elections, we should not lose our honor and that is more important than the Republican Party.

PAUL: We're losing -- we've lost over...


BLITZER: All right, Governor, how long are you ready to stay in Iraq with this current troop level of about 168,000 forces?

HUCKABEE: Wolf, I wish we were out of there tomorrow. I wish every last American could come home if not tomorrow, today. I don't want to see another life lost.

But on the other hand, I don't want the long-term safety of the United States and our security compromised, nor do I want the credibility of this nation lost for generations because we've simply decided that people were ready for us to come out, whether or not we had finished the task we went there to do.

Even our own Senate sent General Petraeus over there this summer with full confidence and told him he would have until this week to be able to bring a report back. He had barely landed on the ground before they were already on the Senate floor saying we had failed, saying we had lost.


BLITZER: But Governor, you've got to be really disappointed in the behavior of the Iraqi government in failing to disband the militias, failing to take virtually any of those political steps that the U.S. has literally begged them to take.

HUCKABEE: Well, the Iraqi government certainly has not lived up to their needs or our expectations. And we're going to have to push harder. I think the fact that we're doing our part and doing it well gives us more credibility and more leverage to say the Iraqi government, "Look, we're doing our part. We have an expectation that you do theirs -- that you do yours." But one thing we've got to understand...

BLITZER: What if they don't? What if they don't, Governor? What if they don't do it?

HUCKABEE: ... is that there's a real problem with...

BLITZER: What if they don't do it?

HUCKABEE: Well, then I think we have reasons then to starting saying, "Here are our limits." Now, I don't think we ought to put a timeframe. This is not football with a clock. This is baseball and we have to play it to its conclusion.

And the fact is, we never want to announce to the enemy exactly how long we're going to stay because then we've already lost. They don't have to beat us. They just have to outlast us. And that's not a strategy that the United States could ever play.

BLITZER: All right. Let's move to some of the presidential politics of the week. Fred Thompson decided he was going to be an official presidential candidate, the former senator from Tennessee. He didn't show up at the Republican presidential debate. He had some other things he wanted to do. I'm going to play a little clip from that debate of some of the statements made by and you your colleagues.


SEN. JOHN MCCAIN, R-ARIZ.: Maybe we're up past his bedtime.

HUCKABEE: Maybe Senator Thompson will be known as the no-show for the presidential debates.

FORMER MAYOR RUDOLPH W. GIULIANI, R-NEW YORK CITY: I think he's done a pretty good job of playing my part on "Law & Order."

FORMER GOV. MITT ROMNEY, R-MASS.: Why the hurry? Why not take some more time off?



BLITZER: All right, who does he help and who does he hurt? There's a general consensus that another strong conservative like Fred Thompson helps Rudy Giuliani because it sort of divides that conservative base -- you and Romney and others. Do you agree with that assessment?

HUCKABEE: I don't know where Fred stands on a lot of issues. That's why I think we were disappointed he didn't show up for the debate, because then he would have had to have defended his record and his positions, just like the rest of us have in the first five debates that we've already participated in.

But Fred did say that he wanted Lincoln/Douglas style debates. He said he would participate in those. I've taken him up on his offer and suggested that he and I go to it, maybe in New Hampshire.

And I hope he'll honor what he said on the Jay Leno show and be serious about that because I think it would be great for the American people. I've signed Newt Gingrich's pledge to take on nine 90-minute debates. I think that's a great idea and it's the kind of discussion that, frankly, the American people would benefit from.

BLITZER: Well, we welcome all of you guys here on CNN to do that debate at the right moment.

Here's what you said -- I saw it this morning in the new issue just coming out of U.S. News & World Report in an interview with you. On Senator Thompson, you said, "I'm distinctly different -- an executive position as a governor, not a Senate position, don't have a Washington address, never been a lobbyist, never been paid to lobby for a pro-abortion group." You're referring to Senator Thompson when he worked for a law firm, giving some advice to a pro-abortion group. So what do you mean by that? Should he be persona non grata among Republicans?

HUCKABEE: No, not persona non grata, but he's got to defend decisions that he made. And I know that he said, "Well, lawyers take on clients that sometimes they don't believe in." Lawyers can also say no. And if it's a matter of conscience, if it's something that gets to the very heart and soul of an issue like the sanctity of human life, I think if he's genuinely all the way to the bone convinced that it's wrong, then you just say, "You know, there are some case I just don't choose to take."

This was not a court-ordered defense appointment from a judge. This was a choice that he made as an attorney. And he's going to have to defend that.

BLITZER: I'm going to show you some poll numbers because it shows you moving up in Iowa, New Hampshire. Nationally, you're still down at only 3 percent. We'll put that poll of polls as we have up there first. You have a problem nationally.

But if you go to Iowa, you see you've moved up to number three with 14 percent behind Romney and Giuliani. And if you go to New Hampshire, you're at 9 percent moving up. You're at number four just behind John McCain.

At the same time, I want to read to you what Mitt Romney is saying about your campaign. He said this: "If Huckabee raises $20 million this quarter, like we did in the first quarter, then he'll become a front-tier candidate." He says that in an interview with the Associated Press on Friday. Do you want to respond to Governor Romney?

HUCKABEE: Well, with all due respect, I appreciate his budget advice but we're not spending money like he is. We don't have to raise it, and we're getting where we're going by being frugal just like I would want to be with the Federal Treasury.

I would be worried if I were a voter if a person is spending millions and millions of dollars to barely be in double digits. I'd be beginning to think I don't want that person in charge of the Federal Treasury.

So we don't really let Governor Romney decide our campaign budget and neither do we let him decide our campaign message. But I appreciate the advice that he's offered to us.

BLITZER: How's the money situation coming in?

HUCKABEE: It's much better as a result of the Iowa straw poll. That gave us some credibility, Wolf, that we certainly needed. And I think it showed that there is a separation between our campaign and some of the others and that we're gaining traction. We're on the trajectory we want to be on. We're hiring staff, not laying people off. And we're on the path up, not down.

And we're certainly not sitting still or static. And, you know, we've seen this all along, like a marathon, a long race that requires some stamina. And it's want just a matter of a few explosions along the way. We wanted a slow, steady, but upward burn.

BLITZER: And if you do become president of the United States, you will be the second U.S. president from a place called Hope -- Hope, Arkansas. Governor Huckabee, thanks for coming in.

HUCKABEE: Thank you, Wolf. Pleasure to be back on the program.

BLITZER: Appreciate it.

Significance of 'Evangelical' Leaders

As an evangelical Christian myself, it boggles me when I see news stories that emphasize the importance of endorsements from so-called Evangelical leaders.

Richard Land, a leader in the Southern Baptist Convention, recently discredited Gov. Huckabee's by saying,
“We like Mike a lot, but nobody thinks he can beat Hillary, and a fear of another Clinton White House outweighs almost everything.”

These so-called evangelical leaders are so worried about losing the election that they are willing to put their convictions aside.

I honestly don't listen to what they have to say. Evangelical Christians attend autonomous churches and are very independent-minded. What we look for is authentic individuals who believe in Christ and have shown the fruits, who would stand up for family values, and keep our country secure.

So, next time you see some big news announcement of an endorsement, just know that most evangelicals don't give a hoot. We will make up our own minds.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Osama, Islam and America - Part 1

I have never been curious to read up on what Bin Laden has to say to us...until now. As you know, he came out with yet another video message, this time looking all young with his hair dyed.

For the most part the media has correctly reported the story, and all agree that Osama's message is full of leftist talking points. As Gateway Pundit pointed out, one would think Keith Olbermann was the speech writer.

In this post, I will summarize the main non-religious points of his message and in subsequent posts I will breakdown the Islamic rhetoric he uses in the message. Is he preaching his 'own brand' of Islam? Or is it true Islam? How would a worldwide Islamic empire that he preaches look like?

I believe Adam Gadahn (shown below) probably had a lot to do with the scripting of his message. After all, Adam is an American and he thinks he knows how to influence American minds.


- Iraq
"..Bush talks about his working with al-Maliki and his government to spread freedom in Iraq but he is fact is working with the leaders of one sect against another sect, in the belief that this will quickly decide the war in his favor."

"Among the most important items contained in Bush's speeches since the events of the 11th is that the Americans have no option but to continue the war. This tone is in fact an echoing of the words of neoconservatives like Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Richard Pearle, the latter having said previously that the Americans have no choice in front of them other than to continue the war or face a holocaust.
I say, refuting this unjust statement, that the morality and culture of the holocaust is your culture, not our culture. (Mentions burning at the stake, Hitler's Germany, Spanish Inquisition, Native American murders, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.)"

“People of America: the world is following your news in regards to your invasion of Iraq, for people have recently come to know that, after several years of tragedies of this war, the vast majority of you want it stopped. Thus, you elected the Democratic Party for this purpose, but the Democrats haven’t made a move worth mentioning. On the contrary, they continue to agree to the spending of tens of billions to continue the killing and war there.”

"The war was entirely unnecessary, as testified to by your own reports. And among the most capable of those from your own side who speak to you on this topic and on the manufacturing of public opinion is Noam Chomsky, who spoke sober words of advice prior to the war, but the leader of Texas doesn't like those who give advice."

"However, there are two solutions for stopping it. The first is from our side, and it is to continue to escalate the killing and fighting against you. This is our duty, and our brothers are carrying it out, and I ask Allah to grant them resolve and victory. And the second solution is from your side. "

- Vietnam War and Kennedy
"In the Vietnam War, the leaders of the White House claimed at the time that it was a necessary and crucial war, and during it, Rumsfeld and his aides murdered two million villagers. And when Kennedy took over the presidency and deviated from the general line of policy drawn up for the White House and wanted to stop this unjust war, that angered the owners of the major corporations who were benefiting from its continuation.
And so Kennedy was killed, and al-Qaida wasn't present at that time, but rather, those corporations were the primary beneficiary from his killing."

- Environmentalism and Global Warming
"And with that, it has become clear to all that they (leaders of Democratic countries) are the real tyrannical terrorists. In fact, the life of all of mankind is in danger because of the global warming resulting to a large degree from the emissions of the factories of the major corporations, yet despite that, the representative of these corporations in the White House insists on not observing the Kyoto accord, with the knowledge that the statistic speaks of the death and displacement of the millions of human beings because of that especially in Africa."

- Democracy
"The greatest of plagues and most dangerous of threats to the lives of humans is taking place in an accelerating fashion as the world is being dominated by the democratic system, which confirms its massive failure to protect humans and their interests from the greed and avarice of the major corporations and their representatives."

- Capitalism
"The capitalist system seeks to turn the entire world into a fiefdom of the major corporations under the label of "globalization" in order to protect democracy.
And Iraq and Afghanistan are their tragedies; and the reeling of many of you under the burden of interest-related debts, insane taxes and real estate mortgages; global warming and its woes; and the abject poverty and tragic hunger in Africa: all of this is but one side of the grim face of this global system. "

Friday, September 7, 2007

Huckabee inviting Thompson for debate

This is very interesting. I’m actually looking forward to this. Let’s see if Sen. Thompson will accept this invitation.

First Read reports:

Per his campaign, Mike Huckabee today sent a letter to Fred Thompson, inviting the former Tennessee senator to debate. "I am aware of your comments on Fox News that you would like to participate in a series of Lincoln-Douglas styled debates. I would like to officially accept your offer," Huckabee says in the letter. "I agree that what is needed is a real discussion by the candidates about their vision for the future of our country."

"Senator, let's lead by example and get the ball rolling," Huckabee adds.

- - - - - -

Update: The Huckabee campaign has posted the letter on their website. You can co-sign the letter online here.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


I will be watching Fred Thompson on Jay Leno to fall asleep.. I have the bad case of insomnia, u know.

Live Blogging - Republican Debate 09/05

Caution: The post below is pro-Huckabee. :)

Update: Exchange between Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee

Update: 10:36 pm

Huckabee has a personable moment with Campaign Carl. He says Fred Thompson forfeited the debates. I agree.

Update: 10:28 pm
Frank Luntz shows the exchange between Huckabee and Paul and displays how the response from Conservatives and Moderates were positive in favor of Mike Huckabee. As I watched the exchange again, I have to admit that Huckabee showed enormous strength, and you can see his tough side.

- - - - - - - - - - -

My Thoughts: I didn't think Huckabee did so well, maybe because he didn't get enough time. In the other debates he stood out, not this one. I hope the small clip between Huckabee and Paul will be shown all over the media. If it weren't for that clip, Huckabee would've utterly failed this debate. I thank God that he got the chance to counter Rep. Ron Paul's ridiculous points.

I think McCain did quite well. However, he won't win the nomination. Giuliani kept talking about how he single-handedly did everything for NYC, which is not the case. Romney stumbled through his answers, didn't show much charisma.

Post Debate Interviews: Mike Huckabee
Acknowledges the lack of Name-ID. He leaves open to possibility to be a VP candidate.
He does a better job at this interview than the debates. I hope people were still watching.


9:30 pm
Scenario questions:
On the Iran situation.
Paul: One of the candidate laughs (its Giuliani, and I think its extremely rude).. Paul says we need to be cautious and congress must approve war. There is a lot of Ron Paul supporters/fanatics.
Tomcredo: Stumbly. It seems like he has a lot of thoughts coming out of mouth at the same time.. Bush syndrome.
Hunter: He has lot of knowledge on military affairs.. I must admit that. However, he is empty on other policies.
Huckabee: "When a president is elected president, he is elected president to.." I hope he answers this question.
He communicated his values and how his heart and head will be involved, and any decision to go to war will be after a lot of preparation and cautiousness.
Brownback: Attack the Iranian soldiers.
Guiliani: Iran must not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons. Made some good points. Invokes Ronald Reagan.
Romney: Too many details.. maybe its because I'm typing while listening to the debate. He argues a bit with Brit Hume about "getting full cooperation from both sides." Romney says its possible.
McCain: Talks about the danger of Iran. Invokes Ronald Reagan.

Thoughts: I loved the exchange between Huckabee and Paul. That was the highlight of the evening so far. Huckabee didn't get any chances to speak after that. His support on the fair tax might have a bad effect on his campaign. I love the fair tax idea but there are lot of misconceptions about it. Some people in audience probably just heard it for the first time and when they hear the criticisms of the plan, they just assume that it is bad.

9:21 pm
Question from Campaign Carl. Family values to Giuliani. Good question.
He talks about the struggles he had on the job and that had an affect on his personal life. He says he is not perfect. Stresses his experience and record.

9:15 pm
Question on Taxes.
McCain: Why haven't you signed the No Tax Pledge. He says he has supported tax cuts. Cut spending not just taxes. He says there no point in signing the pledge, he stands on his record. (which means he might raise taxes)
Brownback: Angry again. People are completely turned off to this guy. Kinda sad, but understandable. Eh
Guiliani: Tax Raises in NYC. Why not take the tax pledge. Why is he bragging too much about himself and how he single-handedly did everything for NYC.
Romney: His nickname Fee-Fee.. He raised fees in Massachusetts. He talks about the democrats and how they are going to raise the taxes. I almost feel like he pulls out the democrat card when he doesn't want to answer the question.
Huckabee: Fair Tax. Critique by Wallace on the fair tax and how sales tax will go high to not 23% but 30 something. People don't know much about the fair tax in New Hampshire it seems. I hope that his staunch support on the fair tax doesn't hurt his chances.
Paul: Ahh...

9:10 pm
Question to Romney: Wiretapping mosques?
HE says no, we need a warrant from a judge to do that. I see lots of attacks on Romney during this debate.
Tancredo: Ah, stumbling again.. He doesn't believe waterboarding is torture.
McCain: Has Bush crossed the line? He says we shouldn't torture, it can backfire on us.
McCain praises Huckabee for his kind words.
Giuliani: Supports Guantanamo, makes a good point on how we keep talking about retreating from the Iraq war.
Hunter: Talks about how well treated the prisoners are in Guantanamo.
Brownback: Question on executive power and the vice president. He says No. THe way he said No caused the audience to laugh.

9:00 pm
Question to the Deputy Sheriff. He questions Romney on his vague answer and attacked him for comparing the armed forces and his sons sacrificing for his campaign.
Romney kinda stumbles... ehh.. its hard to listen to what he said after that stinger.. He says to go to his website. He wants to hear from Petreaus to judge the success of the surge.. he's not answering the question.

8:45 pm
National Security:
McCain - asks about his comments on Giuliani. He praises Giuliani, but says he has more experience.
He points out how he for the longest time promoted the current surge strategy.
Giuliani - Says he would've supported McCain if he wasn't running. He said that he isn't running on his 9/11 credentials, but on how he changed NYC around. Talks about how he is experienced.
Romney - Talks about his plan in Iraq. First support role, then standby role in kuwait. No timetable on it, it depends on how we succeed.
McCain - Insists that the surge is working, cuts off Romney who said "apparantly", says "not apparantly". Pretty good defense on the surge.
Paul - I'm not even going to spend my energy on this one..
HUCKABEE needs to respond at this point..
Brownback????? - why ask him??? AHHH.. Brownback totally bombed the followed up question.. he's gone!
Huckabeee!! where are you!
Finally... question to Huckabee: AWESOME ANSWER! Responds to Cong. Paul. Asks how we can leave something we broke without fixing it... we must keep our honor. Praises McCain, says he is honorable.
Paul responds.. Huckabee hits back Paul! Huckabeeeee yes!!! Lots of applause. I'm liking this!! Good stuff..
Did Huckabee give a substantial answer? No.. but the way he countered Paul was tight.
Hunter: Talks about the progress of the Marines and Army. Good stats. Talks about the determination of the U.S. Armed forces. Good Answer.
Tancredo: Stumble, stumble, stumble. He ends off well though.

Thoughts: I was particularly watching Gov. Huckabee. He hasn't shined though yet. He stumbled a bit on the question on life, but I'm impressed how he doesn't say "ah.. umm.." whenever he speaks. He just stays silent and thinks his thoughts through and then speaks.

8:36 pm
Question from Campaign Carl. Should there be a constitutional amendment on marriage.
Brownback - Gets boos for saying yes. He comes off as angry. He can't convince those who are already has their minds set on supporting gay marriage. I agree with his views, though.

8:35 pm
Question about Guns, can college students carry guns to school.
Giuliani - NYC was safer than Boston.. oooo. He reduced crime 75% all on his own? Hmm..
Paul - Airlines are responsible for security, not the government. I see it as a bunch of rhetoric. His world is an utopian one.

8:25 pm
Question about Larry Craig.
Brownback - The way he talks is kinda funny. He says he wants to rebuild the family. How is he going to do that??? I say let churches do that, not the government.
Hunter - Yes, Craig should resign. Talks about the double standard between republican scandals and democratic scandals.. Good point. He can be a good V.P.
Romney - He likes to see Roe v Wade overturned, but America isn't there right now..
Huckabee - Asks him to compare between Guiliani and Romney. He declines. He stumbles a little bit, but answers the question with what he has said always about life.

8:20 pm
Question from a police officer on what do to about the illegal immigrants here.
Giuliani answers, second's Huckabee's answers from a previous question.
McCain - Defends illegal immigrants, at least the good ones. He says that his bill isn't amnesty, there are fines and restrictions.
Romney - Something about the Z-visas. I didn't really understand his answer..

8:10 pm
Question to Romney about Illegal immigration. Some boos after question was asked.
Romney points out what Giuliani's policies have done for New York as far as illegal immigration is concerned.
Question to Giuliani. Pull's up an old quote on him. He corrects Chris Wallace on the executive order that he had given out.
Question to McCain. McCain is being humorous this time compared to previous debates. Recognizes that the immigration debate has enraged conservatives.
Question to Huckabee. Pulled up a quote about how racism has somewhat to do with the conservative anger. Gives a great answer.
Question to Tancredo. I have a feeling that Tancredo is kinda racist and angry.. just my opinion.
Question to Hunter. Wallace asks if the border wall across the entire southern border is feasible. He promises to build the wall in 6 months.. yeah right.

8:08 pm
Huckabee got the first question. It's about Fred Thompson, I think the question is dumb.
Huckabee is very kind on Thompson.. calls him "no-show Thompson"
Ron Paul said something..
McCain is talking for too long..made some jokes
Romney advised Thompson to stay off longer..
Giuliani said something nice well.. he's stumbling in speech though. Points out that the leading democrats don't have any executive experience. Good point.

8:05 pm
Tomcredo got little applause. Ron Paul, Huckabee, Brownback, Hunter moderate applause. Romney, Giuliani and McCain got mid-high applause.

8:00 pm
Large audience at the University of New Hampshire..

7:55 pm
Fred Thompson's ad on O'Reilly factor.. not too impressive. His theme is Security. Unity. Prosperity. It seems like he has lot of old-timers on his campaign.