Monday, September 10, 2007

Co-sign this letter to Sen. Sam Brownback (request to drop candidacy)

Hey all,
Below is a letter addressed to Senator Brownback. Next week I will send this entire letter along with your co-signatures and email to the Brownback for President Campaign. The earlier the Senator chooses to drop the campaign, the better it is for Gov. Huckabee. Please co-sign this letter in the comments section!
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Honorable Senator Sam Brownback,

Since 1996, you have been a great asset to the social and economic conservative movement in the US Senate as an ardent supporter of pro-life and pro-growth policies.

There are not many Senators like you today that represent us, conservatives, in the U.S. government.

We believe, however, with all due respect that your announcement on Jan 20th 2007 of your intention to seek the Republican Party's Nomination for President of the United States is an unrealizable goal.

The recent straw poll and national poll standings for you are either between 1% and 3%, and in some cases, your support is so low, it's not even registered. At this point, Sir, any person would realistically look at their prospects and make a wise decision.

We believe that the wisest decision now is to facilitate the unification of the social conservative vote. Right now the vote is split between you, Gov. Mike Huckabee, Gov. Mitt Romney, and now Sen. Fred Thompson. We are sure you would agree that both Gov. Romney and Sen. Thompson have had questionable pasts when it comes to their pro-life beliefs. Their authenticity is at question.

This leaves one reliable and authentic candidate: Gov. Mike Huckabee. He has been the governor of the state of Arkansas for 11 years. He has the executive experience which a president needs in this vulnerable time of history. He has shown that he has the ability to attract crossover appeal of independents and democrats, pro-lifers and pro-choicers, African Americans and Hispanic Americans. He has the uncanny ability to communicate conservative values in an unifying way.

Most importantly, he can erode the support for Sen. Hillary Clinton's candidacy in a general election.

For the reasons stated above, we humbly request you, Senator Brownback, to drop out of the Republican primary campaign and consider supporting Gov. Mike Huckabee's candidacy.

May God Bless you,

Justin Thomas


Anonymous said...

signed please step aside.

Anonymous said...

With gratitude for your continued service to our country and your strong stand on pro-life issues, I must concur and request that you drop out of the race for the unification of the conservative vote.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Senator Brownback needs to drop his bid for the Presidency, as his campaign is at a complete stand still. Please drop your candidacy for the good of the conservative party and support Mike Huckabee.

Huckabeehound Bob

OKforHuckabee said...

Senator Brownback, for the good of the pro-life vote, please step out of the Presidential Race and endorse Gov. Mike Huckabee. Continue to fight for our values in the U.S. Senate.

Justin, did you see my post about Huckabee placing second on an OKGOP poll?


Anonymous said...

I think Senator Brownback should consider dropping out as well. We need to start getting unified behind one candidate early, instead of waiting until it is too late.

Please visit my blog at

Anonymous said...

Drop out...Drop Out...Do it

Bob Hayton said...

Glad to cosign. It would be great if Sam could drop out and throw his support towards Huckabee. That would help Huck but also help the pro life positions both Huck and Brownback share.

Bob Hayton
Go Huckabee!

Scott Spray said...

Thank you for your consistent pro-family votes and work as a member of the Senate. I have followed your work in the Senate ever since seeing you speak at a PK conference in Kansas City some years ago, and have been impressed by the stands you have taken and by your hard work standing up for what is right. However, I believe you can best continue to serve the conservative cause and this great country by ending your bid for the presidency and endorsing the only other authentic conservative in the race and the only one that has a chance at being elected. I believe you can continue to be a force for good in the United States Senate. I wish you and your family nothing but the best.

God Bless,

Scott Spray

c4life said...

Mr. Brownback it is time to drop out of the race and give your full support to the candidate that the people have chosen, Mike Huckabee. This will benefit all the value voters and the conservative base greatly.

Anonymous said...

I am absolutely appreciative of your service, Sen. Brownback, but I entreat you to drop out of the race and fight for a unification of the base around a viable candidate -- and right now that looks to me like Gov. Huckabee. Thank you and God bless. --Jared

Bill Smith said...

We commend Sen. Sam Brownbacks support of the "right to life" movement. However, it is time for Sam Brownback to end his presidential campaign and focus on his responsibilities as senator. He is adding literally nothing of consequence to the presidential debate and at 1% is making little or no impact. At this time, he cannot effectively compete and would not receive the Republican nomination. Time to stop waisting your limited supporter's money and to regain some credibility to influence the conservative cause.

Rioni Unchained said...

With you.

Christian said...

Senator Brownback, for the sake of the Conservative movement, please drop out of the race and endorse Governor Huckabee. With your bases combined, it would catapult his campaign into new territory. In a way, you would have more of an impact on the Presidential race (and in advocating your beliefs) by doing the honorable thing and recognizing defeat.
Christian Hine
Fort Mill, SC

Unknown said...

Sen. Brownback, please don't get me wrong. I greatly appreciate what you're doing for the conservative movement in the Senate, and I mean that.

That said, I really do think you should drop your run for president. In the GOP, we need to get behind one guy as soon as possible to build up as much momentum as possible for the election next November 4, and that guy is Mike Huckabee. He's really picking up steam right now, and you would do well to forget the presidency, concentrate on your current duties in the Senate, and support Huckabee.

However, given that you are as passionate about the pro-life cause, if Mike should get the nomination (and I believe he will), you might consider being Huckabee's vice presidential running mate. A ticket such as that is one that I think would definitely resonate with conservatives everywhere.

Fred in St. Louis, MO